RNA count (PhD)
Development of a new counting algorithm
For my PhD project, I worked on the development of a new algorithm for counting distinguishable RNA secondary structures. This work is relevant in combinatoric analysis of RNA structures, which is a fundamental problem in computational biology. The algorithm I developed is the first that solved the problem in polynomial time. This work has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Computational Biology (publication pending). I implemented the algorithm in C++ (github).
RNA secondary structures are essential abstractions for understanding spacial folding behaviors of those macromolecules. Many secondary structure algorithms involve a common dynamic programming setup to exploit the property that secondary structures can be decomposed into substructures. Dirks et al. (2007) noted that this setup cannot directly address an issue of distinguishability among secondary structures, which arises for classes of sequences that admit non-trivial symmetry. Circular sequences are among these. We examine the problem of counting distinguishable secondary structures. Drawing from elementary results in group theory, we identify useful subsets of secondary structures. We then extend an algorithm due to Hofacker et al. (2012) for computing the sizes of these subsets. This yields a cubic-time algorithm to count distinguishable structures compatible with a given circular sequence. Further, this general approach may be employed to solve similar problems for which the RNA structures of interest involve symmetries.